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venice concierge pt golf performance program

Golfer’s Performance Programs

Let VCPT provide you with the three-dimensional training of your joints and muscles that will improve your game. Not only can I help you if you have any pain associated with your golf game, but more importantly, I can help prepare you to play better, safer, and without injury. In 2012 I was certified as an NG360, Nike Golf functional performance trainer, powered by Gray Institute. The official Gray Institute & Nike golf program has since ended; however, the training and expertise live on in those who were certified.

good golf swing requires that every one of your joints be mobile, flexible, and strong. Specifically, the relationship between your trunk, hips, and feet must be functioning well together. However, often our swing must adapt because of limitations in personal mobility. Many golfers use professional golf coaches to help assist in finding ways around the body’s limitations. However, it is possible and easy to get the body (particularly the hip internal rotation and lumbar spine movement) necessary for your swing to effortlessly improve. VCPT will get your body moving freely in ways you didn’t think possible.

Traditional PT education does not include functional anatomy movement assessments and training. My yearlong fellowship in Applied Functional Science was really a game changer for me having incredible success with patients.

Our bodies work with gravity, mass and momentum and ground reaction forces differently for each task at hand. Golf requires repetitive movements and unique demands on specific joints. It requires understanding how each part of the body interacts with one another to best accomplish the particular movement in order to properly rehab or optimize the movement.

For example, the golf swing has an incredible demand for hip internal rotation in both hips. Well, guess which motion we tend to lose first in the hips with arthritis and wear & tear? You guessed it…. Internal rotation. So now what? Does your body just say, sorry I can’t play anymore, my hips are tight. Hell no! You just borrow some motion (incorrectly) from the spine and knees which steals your power; and then alter your feet and elbow/wrists positions to do the best you can! And you do alright too!

But what if you could get more power, do better and also stop beating up your spine, knees etc? Hell YES! Well, let me help you!

Yes, let me help get your hip internal rotation back. Yes, it can be done, even with arthritis! And Yes, your swing will improve while you hurt less. Fun!!!!!

The result will be:

  • 18 holes of golf without pain
  • Drive the ball longer
  • Drive straighter

My goal for you is to develop a more ease-full swing without having to go to the gym, pay for more golf lessons, without medications or surgery.

VCPT will provide you with a golf-specific home program that is suited to your individual body’s needs.

  1. Improve flexibility.
  2. Break poor swing habits.
  3. Play easier.

Call today for your golfer's assessment. You may not even know that a simple correctable issue with your foot is limiting your hip and dramatically affecting your drive!