My name is Kimberly DelVecchio and I am a licensed physical therapist and creator of Integrative Physical Therapy (IPT) in NY, Do-It-Yourself and now Venice Concierge Physical Therapy (VCPT). I have been practicing physical therapy for 29 years and launched my own physical therapy practice, IPT in 2000 which continues to thrive to this day.
When I moved two years ago to Venice, I knew I had found paradise. I also knew I was not going back to limited insurance-based treatments. I have spent almost 30 years obsessed with continual learning and refining my craft studying advanced techniques in physical therapy. I have advanced manual therapy training with certifications in ART, MFR, SCS, Cranio-sacral, Graston Technique, Visceral manipulation, manual therapy courses by Dr. Stanley Paris, as well as worked side by side amazing Osteopaths. I have extensively studied the Egoscue Technique, yoga and am a fellow of Applied Functional Science from the Gray Institute. I have participated in countless other PT courses, too many to name, and all in the hope of better serving my patients and staff. Well, if I am being completely honest, of course I wanted answers for my patients, but I also just really love learning, and there is so much to know when it comes to the body.
In addition to hands-on therapy (manual therapy techniques) I also have a passion for sport-specific rehab. Traditional PT education does not include functional anatomy movement assessments and training. My yearlong fellowship in Applied Functional Science was really a game changer for me having incredible success with patients.
Our bodies work with gravity, mass and momentum and ground reaction forces (or pedal reaction forces) differently for each task at hand. Sports like Golf, Tennis, Cycling all have repetitive movements and unique demands on specific joints. It requires understanding how each part of the body interacts with one another to best accomplish the particular movement in order to properly rehab or optimize the movement.
For example, the golf swing has an incredible demand for hip internal rotation in both hips. Well, guess which motion we tend to lose first in the hips with arthritis and wear & tear? You guessed it…. Internal rotation. So now what? Does your body just say, sorry I can’t play anymore, my hips are tight. Hell no! You just borrow some motion (incorrectly) from the spine and knees which steals your power; and then alter your feet and elbow/wrists positions to do the best you can! And you do alright too!
But what if you could get more power, do better and also stop beating up your spine, knees etc? Hell YES! Well, let me help you! Yes, let me help get your hip internal rotation back. Yes, it can be done, even with arthritis! And Yes, your swing will improve while you hurt less. Fun!!!!!
In my personal life, I have been a life time student of yoga philosophy and meditation. Through these studies, I have also discovered how our minds and thoughts also powerfully influence our bodies. I bring this understanding and positive forward thinking into every session. Everyone has access to the power of healing; my job is to help you access it.
Honestly, I have accumulated a lot of knowledge and skill and I want to offer it to those people who really want the best and want to get better or perform better. It takes time to do a proper assessment and it can require time for both the corrective manual therapy combined with teaching the right home program to retrain your specific movement patterns. However, our bodies are amazing and they can make lasting changes and improvements at ANY age! ALL bodies can improve, change, heal with the right understanding and skill! It may take some effort on your part, as well as mine, but together, it is possible!
When you are ready to receive valuable PT that is worth your time and money, please give me a call at 518-281-3534.
I would love to discuss your situation and see how I can help.