Right Home Exercise Program
Getting out of pain and improving your mobility, balance and strength can be easy and accomplished right at home! The key is knowing your specific imbalances, weakness or faulty movement patterns and then having the RIGHT exercises to fix it.
- You do not need fancy equipment!
- You do not need to drive to a clinic!
- You do not need to go to the gym!
- You can begin to relieve pain now IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME.
Most painful joints or body parts are not the primary problem. It may be the “weak link,” or it may be the strongest- best part that had to do some one’s failed job for so long that it has been beaten up and broken
down. Yet it will continue to be a problem if the true culprit goes unaddressed.
This means you must have a comprehensive evaluation that looks at your whole body and understands your body’s compensations to pick the RIGHT exercise for you! In other words, your shoulder pain may require a foot exercise correction to finally get out of pain.
As important as doing the RIGHT exercise, is doing the exercise Right! Performing an exercise correctly with out compensations is the key! The neurology of your body mandates that you follow the path of least resistance, which means you stand/move in the position of most ease. Most likely until corrected, you are doing an exercise also in your comfort pattern and even substituting wrong muscles to do it. I ensure your body is not “cheating” and will teach you how to avoid the cheats to truly change your body!
VCPT does a full body assessment and then uses unique corrective exercises to re-train movement, re-gain mobility, strength & balance. Each program is specific to your primary needs and sequenced with progressive stages of magic movements. Yes there is magic in positioning the body precisely to turn off something tight and turn on something weak, because now you invite pain free movement.
Your personalized program will also include positions that feel good to do; including unique stretches that you look forward to doing each day!
Additionally, you will learn how to sit, stand, and walk properly to change your body’s faulty patterns. Think about it, we only do 4 things our entire life: we sit, stand, walk and lie down. This is what we do 100% of the time and 99% of people do these every day tasks wrong! You will be astonished how quickly your body will feel different once I teach you the new mechanics of sitting, standing and walking!